Early Learning Success
Tri-Star Academy - Jermyn

Some key areas we focus on in the Infant Room are:
• coordination, mobility, and fine motor skills
• learning through play and exploration
• early language and literacy skills through constant conversation, reading and singing
• beginner infant sign language
• social and emotional development
• music and movement, dramatic play and basic art exploration (colors, shapes, textures, sounds)
In our Infant Room, each baby has their own schedule (feeding, sleeping, etc) that we work with you to create. This helps create an easy transition between home and the center. We also create our own individual goals that we work towards based on each baby's age and developmental needs (rolling-sitting-crawling-walking, grabbing with whole hand-pincer grasp-feeding self, etc).
Our Toddler Rooms are for children 1-3 years old.
Key areas we focus on in the Toddler Rooms are:
gross motor, health and wellness: coordination, strength & balance, identifying body parts, fundamentals of good health (hand washing, eating healthy foods, exercise, etc).
fine motor: using fingers & wrists to accomplish an action & perform a task (holding a writing/drawing tool, turning pages in a book, using utensils, wiping nose, dressing self, etc).
learning through play: engaging with friends and teachers, anticipating familiar classroom routines, expressing self through actions, gestures and words, actively playing in various ways (independently, parallel play, with peers, etc).
early language and literacy: engaging with peers and adults, seeking out books independently, showing interest in pictures and text, using new vocabulary to identify classroom environment every day.
exploration and cognitive development: counting, sensory play, additional colors and shapes, independent exploration, continue learning about the environment (living & nonliving).
social and emotional: making complex choices, expressing emotions, coping with emotions, showing preference for people, activities and objects.
creative thinking and expression: music & movement, dramatic play, expanded use of art materials.

Our Preschool and PreK program consists of children 3-5 years of age.
Key areas we focus on in these programs are:
Gross Motor Health & Wellness: Developing balance, experimenting with body movements, dance, outdoor play, coordination of movements
Fine Motor Skills: encourage beginning writing skills, promote jigsaw puzzle completion, finger and puppet play.
Learning through Play: Exploring learning centers and dramatic play.
Early Language and Literacy: Letter recognition and letter sounds, reading and book skills, character education and story plots.
Social & Emotional Development: character education, understanding feelings, resolving conflict, developing friendships, taking turns.
Creative Thinking and Expression: clap, move and sing songs, create art by folding, cutting and coloring.
Mathematics: explore number concepts, comparison, classify and measurement skills, adding two groups of concrete objects.
Science and Social Studies: Simple experiments, weather, compare personal characteristics.
Before & After Care
Our Before and After program picks up where school leaves off! From the moment the children step through the door, they get help with their homework and a chance to play with their friends. We also offer fun, hands-on activities that help reinforce what children learn in school and enhance their education experiences. These activities are all offered in a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment.
Enrollment is open to children from all school districts, however, transportation is provided to the children of the Lakeland School District.

Summer Camp
Summer camp is a place for exploring, discovering, making new friends and learning new skills. It all starts with our outstanding counselors, whose talent, creativity and leadership set the tone for a great experience. Every summer, our counselors and specialists are doing what they enjoy most: inspiring campers to explore, reach for new heights and expand their horizons.
Our camp features a unique selection of indoor and outdoor activities and field trips that take advantage of resources in the local area. We also offer optional specialty programs during regular camp hours that cater to any interest.